Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Bald eagles build their nests in large trees near
rivers, lakes or coasts. A typical nest is around 5 feet in diameter.
Eagles often use the same nest year after year. Over the years, some
nests become enormous, as much as 9 feet in diameter, weighing two tons.
Even when a nest tree falls or a strong wind blows a nest down, the
established pair usually rebuilds at or near the site within a few weeks
if it is near the breeding season. The nest may be built in a tree, on a
cliff, or even on the ground if there are no other options available.

Eagles are territorial during nesting season. They will keep other
eagles out of their own nesting area. Their nesting territory is usually
one to two square miles.
Here we have the female giving me a stare down as I take her photo.
Brian Boyd

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