Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Flying High

On June 28, 2007 the Interior Department took the
American bald eagle off the Endangered Species List. The bald eagle is
protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle
Protection Act.
The Bald Eagle Protection Act prohibits the take, transport, sale,
barter, trade, import and export, and possession of eagles, making it
illegal for anyone to collect eagles and eagle parts, nests, or eggs
without a permit.
Someone ask me the other day who the number one predator of the eagles
are. The answer is humans.
Other bald eagles will occasionally attack eagles and their young;
raccoons will sometimes kill young in the nest as will the occasional
great horned owl. But for the most part they really have no other main
predator other than humans.

Brian Boyd 4/21/2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

I caught this roadrunner busy at work in the park on Saturday.
Brian Boyd

Friday, April 9, 2010

The blue bonnets are beautiful in the park this year.


This Bobcat met me on the park road as I was hiking yesterday.
Brian Boyd

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bald eagles have 7,000 feathers. Feathers, like hair and nails, are made of keratin. The feathers consist of interlocking microscopic structures that are light, but very strong. Layers of feathers trap air to insulate birds against cold and protect them from rain. Here we have the male eagle showing us his feathers as he approaches the nest.

Brian Boyd

The male eagle gives me a interesting show as he
protects his nest .

Brian Boyd 4/6/2010

Brian Boyd 4/6/2010